Thursday, May 17, 2012

A midweek holiday = clean-up-your-fridge day

The Ascension Day of Christ, celebrated as one of national public holidays, falls on Thursday, which means a very long weekend for many Indonesians. Hoteliers not included. A day off only for today and thinking how tourists pouring down on the streets of Bali make me decide to stay at home. (It's the middle of the month, so... time for saving, everyone???) A headline of an online lifestyle magazine reads: How to overcome stress of having to stay at home on a holiday. What stress? I'm stressful when I'm on my motorbike trapped in the middle of heavy traffic of By Pass Ngurah Rai in a hot afternoon.

Let's open your fridge, A! Almost empty. It doesn't take much of an inspection to see which items there should go, and which can stay. I really don't have much left. Mid-of-the-month poverty! There is no need to be ashamed of. Really? I have to swallow my dignity to report that some of the things I keep in my fridge should have gone months ago! That mayo, the funny-taste low-fat Kraft Thousand Island dressing, Kacang Garuda peanuts, and that instant Bolognese sauce. No, the sauce can stay. I opened it two days ago, I guess I can still make spaghetti Bolognese with it this afternoon. I'm not going anywhere for my lunch today!

This green thing below can stay in my fridge, too. For as long as it takes. Can you guess what this is? :) Happy long weekend to some of you! (Happy Defrost Day to me!)

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